Lunch on The Way

AJ Thomas | Is Preaching a Sacrament? Is Jesus Really in the Eucharist?

Lunch on The Way Season 4 Episode 52

In this episode, Joey and Graeme interview AJ Thomas, who is one of the teaching and preaching pastors at Kings Church in New Brunswick, Canada. He also leads the Atlantic Kingdom Alliance which aims to bring together pastors and ministry leader from diverse theological and denominational background for the advancement of the gospel. They discussed his journey from youth ministry to church planting and his current role at King's Church, the importance of preaching as a sacramental act (distinguishing it from teaching), his theological evolution (particularly his engagement with Catholicism and its influence on his understanding of the Eucharist), the significance of communion in his previous church (Deep Water), and his approach to preaching as a craft rather than an art. AJ also mentioned his new role in the Atlantic Kingdom Alliance, focusing on interdenominational cooperation. The conversation touched on theological nuances, the impact of the pandemic on preaching, and AJ's writing of his new preaching book, "Preaching Craft," which can be found anywhere on

Learn more about AJ at

Podcast hosts are Greame Flett, Jonathan Hoskin, and Joey Millington.

The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the individuals expressing and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of any affiliated organisations or ministries.

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