Lunch on The Way
Kia Ora Koutou, and welcome to Lunch on The Way! We're three guys doing theology over lunch, and sometimes we'll do that with others. We talk about church, culture, theology, philosophy, and more, always wanting to be as practical as possible. This is a thinking podcast more than a teaching podcast. We want to warn you, that what's said here is not yet complete, because, like any good conversation, you never want it to end.
Lunch on The Way
How to Hear God's Voice, Discerning Big Decisions, Problems with Being Certain
In this episode the guys talk about their experience of listening to God's voice and what that means for them, some of the problematic aspects of claiming you've heard from God, and a way forward to better discern God's voice during big decisions.
Email lunchontheway@gmail.com
00:00 Introduction
00:42 Catching up on life
03:20 Our experiences with hearing God's voice
14:52 Honest & integrity help you hear
18:14 Grieving the Holy Spirit (Eph 4)
22:10 Justification vs personal holiness
24:58 Listen & don't listen to others
27:40 One-way & two-way door decisions
33:50 Jon Hoskin's advice
36:13 Is saying "God told me" problematic?
44:40 Be ready to act on God's voice
48:51 Outro
Podcast hosts are Greame Flett, Jonathan Hoskin, and Joey Millington.
The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the individuals expressing and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of any affiliated organisations or ministries.